It isn't easy sending your child to college. It is a big emotional step for all involved. However, the joy of watching your child reach that milestone outmatches the sadness.

Your child’s senior year is here and the big question remains: HOW are we going to let our child go off to college?!? Weren’t they just a little one yesterday? Weren't they just crawling around at our feet, asking us to play train or dolls? It was a question I had when I dropped my oldest off at college four years ago. He decided on a college 10 hours away and my little boy who made me a mom was not nearby. If there was a problem, how was I going to protect him?
Well, Mama, it’s nearing the time to let them go. Stick around because I am going to give you tips on sending your child to college. Preparation is the key to success. Choosing the right college goes a long way. The more aware and well planned you and your child are, the better it will go for all involved.
Between the tears and loads of tissue you will go through, there is a very important first step you need to do. Pray for your child. Cry out to God and pray for your child’s safety, their roommate and their desire to stay close to Him. Start looking into churches in the area and what different Christian ministries are on campus.
The roommate can make or break the experience and to me that is one of the most important things to pray for! Start early too! It is okay to start praying for your child’s college experience before they even say their first word. Don’t become untrusting or obsessed by it, but pray as you would for anything else in your child’s life.
Pray without ceasing ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:13
Celebrate your child
Don’t spend their senior year dreading what will come. Love it! Celebrate the fun of the senior year and go to all things such as senior night and games, home and away. Be sure to buy the senior night flowers and go prom dress shopping.

Make the cookies for your child’s lunch table and be the mom to surprise your child and their friends with a box of donuts before school. Love every minute of your child’s senior year.
Take them to college visits
This may start their junior year, but if a college hasn’t been chosen yet, a senior year visit will be necessary. Go with your child and ask questions. Find out what exactly your child is looking for in a college and help them do research to find which colleges they want to visit. Look into all areas and types of schools from large to small.

This is a hard one! Pray about your child's college choice and give direction as you feel led. However, in the end, unless you see harm in it, it is your child's choice. It has been my experience that if you and your child get along well, they will listen to your council.
Go on lots of dates with your child! Take them out to eat. Buy that ice cream cone. Be available when they are free.
Get involved in other activities while your child is away. Serve in your community. Volunteer at the local school. Make care packages for your child and their friends. Trust me, nothing is better than a care package from home.
Enjoy this time with your child and don't dread the future. Think of ways to encourage them and be involved in their senior year (as much as they prefer!). Look forward to this season with excitement and see it through their eyes. Your almost college student will be bursting with excitement. Be sure to follow their lead!
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