It is time to visit the colleges on your list and there is so much to see and so much to ask! Let us help you get started with College Visit Day Questions.

Ask ahead of time. There is usually an email address provided by the school for questions. If you want to talk to someone that they don't have available like a professor or advisor, ask ahead of time. More than likely they will be willing to accommodate your request.
Ask to visit the building of your desired major. My daughter got to visit the art building and got to see the classrooms. She also got to see the other students' art in the hallways and classrooms and that gave her excitement about what projects she would potentially get to work on while there.
What about financial aid? If you aren't scheduled to talk to a financial aid advisor, make sure you do while you are there! It is great time to be face to face with the person who is the gateway to the money. Talk honestly and openly with them and be kind! They are more than willing to listen and see how they can help you. (Especially if your child is a desirable student!)

What can the college do for my student? This one is an important one! I know the obvious answer is "an education". However, there is more than that! What type of intermurals do they have? What kind of clubs does this school have? How do they keep students involved? Ask all the questions! After all, you are paying a lot of money for your child to be taken care of and that their needs are met.

What kind of safety features are on campus? It is sad we have to ask this, but it is necessary nowadays. How active are the campus police? Are there safety precautions for evening classes? Who does my child contact if there is a crime?
How does room and board work? This one is a frequently asked question. After all, it is a large amount of money. Schools typically have different dorms that are different prices (the nicer ones are more expensive!) and different food programs. Ask about the room and board program. Also, be sure to take notes on the different food programs and how much your child can save with choosing a smaller plan, if they are offered.
Are dual credit classes accepted? If your high school offers dual credit classes or AP classes, be sure to check if your child's potential college accepts the credit earned! It would be a shame to put in all that work during high school and the college doesn't accept it. ALWAYS check to make sure everything is squared away when it comes to dual credit. If the credits don't transfer, I would seriously consider going somewhere else.
These are a few good college visit day questions to ask while at a college visit. Be sure to make a list and to highlight the ones you need to email ahead of time and the ones to ask while on campus. Enjoy the day with your child and take it all in!
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